
The telescope is generally to see how far --- sony telescope --- 99 military binoculars

Telescope is generally to see how far --- sony telescope --- 99 military binoculars, under normal light, normal vision can see a distance of 23 meters approximately 9 cm high figure
1, the telescope can see how far? This is mainly the performance of the telescope, weather conditions, the target size of the test according to the owner: a clear day you can see this Nikula 8X42 binoculars meters telegraph pole a few hundred meters of the insects, outsiders face tens of kilometers of a moving vehicle at night you can see the densely packed on the moon craters, Jupiter's four satellites, nebulae and other astronomical interested friends can try, in fact, a good telescope to bring your pleasure and use are often beyond your imagination. Some advertising that a telescope can see the dozens of hundreds of kilometers away, one meter of the target, in fact, in theory, the ground near the atmospheric density of dust, more importantly, the earth is round song, so impossible The level of observation on the ground to 50 kilometers one meter target.
2, what kind of telescope is right for me? According to your needs, generally carried out outside looking mirror should be option to use the volume is small, lightweight, zoom in 6-8 times, because of the long hand-held telescope can cause jitter, jitter on the observed effect is great; If the home is placed on viewing and astronomical observations, it can choose to use the large diameter of the large multiples of single / binoculars; the case then fascinated by the military mirror, you may wish to choose a with ranging dense line of species, I believe, you will find another kind of pleasure from the observation and ranging
3, multiples of the bigger the better? The answer is no. If the handheld observation, not trained specifically to training and arm strength the average person, 12 times the telescope handheld has a limit of multiples over jitter, can lead to dizziness, nausea and discomfort. interest in this observation is a big blow. Just think, buy a dream telescope, but because of the inconvenience of carrying and use, while not always use it, it is a much regret!
 4, the diameter of the exit pupil and exit pupil distance? The pupil is the image through a telescope eyepiece after the formation of spot size. This is also an important indicator of the telescope, which represents the brightness of the telescope can achieve imaging, in general, the telescope exit pupil of 2.5 mm to 4 mm, more suitable for daytime use, between 4 mm to 7 mm telescope day and low-light environments still can be observed, and 2.5 mm below the telescope, even during the day, image brightness is very low, and the human eye pupil alignment difficulties, poor comfort of the observation. The simple formula of the exit pupil is the lens diameter / ratio = exit pupil diameter. For example, W90842 binoculars exit pupil diameter = 42/8 = 5.25 mm, even in the dusk dawn of time can still be observed. The exit pupil distance is able to see the entire field of view, the eye from the eyepiece the most remote. This is also an important parameter of the telescope exit pupil distance is too short, the eye must be close to the eyepiece to see the entire field of view, the eye will be very tired, and if the pupil distance is too long and eyepiece cover is too short, the observation is prone to black shadow. Grow pupil distance of the telescope is suitable for people who wear eye. Pupil telescope eyepiece cover design and some grow into a scalable type, then it applies to a person with normal vision, but also applies to the person wearing the eye, such as the W90842 binoculars exit pupil distance 22MM.
rlated blog source: Sony brand military remote video camera ( 12 million pixels )